
Code of Conduct

Statement of Beliefs

  1. Each person has the right to a safe and peaceful environment.
  2. Each person shall co-operate to make learning successful and fun.
  3. Each person has the right to be accepted and respected.

All members of the Glenwood School community have the right to be safe and happy so they may work and learn to their full potential. The following Code of Behaviour has been adopted by the students, staff and parents of Glenwood School in an effort to ensure the maintenance of an environment conducive to developing competence, creativity, co-operation, confidence and caring in all members of our learning community.

  • We will work and play safely at all times.
  • We will be punctual and prepared to learn each day.
  • We will speak, act and write respectfully to all students and adults.
  • We will keep our hands and feet to ourselves.
  • We will respect all personal and school property.
  • We will solve our problems by talking.

Each classroom also develops its own set of rights and responsibilities.

Serious Offences

A school must provide a safe environment for its students; therefore, the following actions and behaviours are considered inappropriate and will be dealt with accordingly:

  • the use of foul or offensive language
  • the use of physical violence or verbal threats
  • wilful disobedience towards teachers or other school personnel
  • the activation of a false fire alarm
  • an act of vandalism or wilful damage to school, staff or student property
  • the use or possession of alcohol or drugs while at school or a school function

Approaches to Behaviour Management & Building Self-Discipline

The practice at Glenwood School is to inform students and parents about its philosophy regarding student expectations and discipline, and its process for intervention.

On occasion, students may make inappropriate choices which may diminish a desired classroom or school climate. Our approaches are designed on the belief that all students have control over their own behaviour, and that consequences and self-discipline are a part of the learning process.

The following plan affords students the opportunity to make choices to self-correct and to learn from their mistakes. The plan is incremental, allowing students to move forward or backward along a continuum of consequences. If necessary, variations to the plan may occur to better support student or school needs.