

A Guide to Mathematics Course Selection

Grade 10

20S Intro to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math

Are you interested in interpreting data with graphs, solving problems using triangles, making connections between formulas and what they represent? Perhaps you like patterns and statistics, or enjoy learning more about the language of math? In this course you will engage in a variety of activities that promote the connections between symbolic math ideas and the world around you. This course also develops the skills, ideas, and confidence that you will need to continue studying math in the future. Problem solving, communication, reasoning, and mental math are some of the themes you will discover throughout.

Topics include:

  • Functions and Relations
  • Number Sense
  • Measurement
  • Trigonometry
  • Polynomials
  • Coordinate Geometry

Students will work individually as well as collaboratively, with and without technology, to recognize and utilize patterns to develop algebraic, graphical, and statistical reasoning. Students will apply previously learned concepts to a variety of new contexts where skills in creative problem solving are an asset.

20S Essentials Math

Want to learn about some of the ways you are going to experience math in your daily life? Are you interested in knowing about what you can expect to see on your paystubs at your first job? Would you like to understand how currency conversion, fuel economy, and sale prices work? If you want to prepare yourself to make better mathematical decisions in your future, then this is the right course for you! The primary goal of the Essential Mathematics stream is to learn important mathematical concepts that you are likely to encounter in everyday life.

Topics include:

  • Personal finance
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Consumer decisions
  • Transformations
  • Angle construction 

Students will work individually as well as collaboratively to gain an increased understanding of mathematical concepts and skills encountered and used in our technological society. Most coursework is completed within the classroom environment.

Grade 11

30S Applied Math

Are you interested in using technology and data to model real-life situations, learning about personal finance and statistics?  Or perhaps you enjoy logic and reasoning, like computer science and coding. The primary goal of the Applied Mathematics course is to continually develop student's critical-thinking skills through problem solving and modelling real-world situations mathematically to make predictions. You will have the opportunity to use a variety of different computer software to assist you in understanding math concepts related to your life!

Topics include

  • quadratic functions,
  • proofs,
  • statistics,
  • systems of inequalities,
  • trigonometry

Students will work individually as well as collaboratively, using technology, to recognize and utilize patterns to develop algebraic, graphical, and statistical reasoning. Students will apply previously learned concepts to a variety of new contexts where skills in creative problem solving are an asset.

30S Essentials Math

Are you interested in learning about the positive effects compound interest could have on potential investments? Have you ever wondered how much you would pay in total for a car loan? Do you want to gain a better understanding of how to interpret graphs? Essentials Math looks at all these things and more! The primary goal of the Essential Mathematics is to explore the mathematical experiences that you are likely to encounter in everyday life.

Topics include:

  • interest and credit,
  • managing money,
  • 3-D geometry,
  • design modelling,
  • statistics,
  • relations and patterns,
  • trigonometry

 Students will work individually as well as collaboratively to gain an increased understanding of mathematical concepts and skills encountered and used in our technological society. Most coursework is completed with the classroom environment.

30S Pre-Calculus Math 

Do you like to fully understand why things are the way they are? Do you want to learn how to derive complex equations and formulas to increase your knowledge of how our world works? Are you curious about modelling phenomena graphically and algebraically to find patterns or make predictions? This course invites you to explore theoretical mathematics with an emphasis on problem solving and mental arithmetic.

Topics include

  • study of algebra,
  • quadratic functions,
  • reciprocal functions,
  • sequences and series,
  • trigonometry

 Students will work individually and collaboratively to decode high-level math concepts, recognize, and utilize patterns to develop algebraic and graphical reasoning. Students will apply previously learned concepts to a variety of new contexts where skills in creative problem solving are an asset.

Grade 12

Courses follow the same path and description as Grade 11 above.

40S Applied Math

40S Essential Math 

40S Pre-Calculus Math

40S Intro. Calculus & Advanced Math - see electives