

Grade 9

Math 10F (M10F - 1 credit) 

Prerequisite: Grade 8 Math

Grade 9 Math 10F is a foundation course to prepare students for multiple pathways in grades 10 to 12. The course builds on the understandings from Kindergarten to Grade 8 Math. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study: 

  • Square Roots and Surface Area 
  • Powers and Exponent Laws 
  • Rational Numbers 
  • Linear Relations 
  • Polynomials 
  • Linear Equations and Inequities 
  • Similarity and Transformations 
  • Circle Geometry 
  • Probability and Statistics

Grade 10 

Essential Math 20S (ME20S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Math 10F

Grade 10 Essential Math 20S is intended for students whose post-secondary planning does not include a focus on mathematics and science-related fields. Grade 10 Essential Math 20S emphasizes consumer applications, problem solving, decision making, and spatial sense. Students are expected to work both individually and in small groups on mathematical concepts and skills encountered in everyday life in a technological society. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study:

  • Unit Pricing and Currency Exchange 
  • Earning an Income 
  • Length, Area, and Volume 
  • Mass, Temperature, and Volume 
  • Angles and Parallel Lines 
  • Similarity of Figures 
  • Trigonometry of Right Triangles  

Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S (MAPC20S - 1 credit) 

Prerequisite: Math 10F (recommend 75% or higher) 

Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that require a math prerequisite. This pathway provides students with the mathematical understanding and critical-thinking skills that have been identified for specific post-secondary programs of study. The topics studied form the foundation for topics to be studied in both Grade 11 Applied Math 30S and Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Math 30S. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study:

  • Measurement 
  • Trigonometry 
  • Factors and Products 
  • Roots and Powers 
  • Relations and Functions 
  • Linear Functions 
  • Systems of Linear Equations

Grade 11

Essential Math 30S (ME30S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Essential Math 20S or Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S 

Grade 11 Essential Math 30S is intended for students whose post-secondary planning does not include a focus on mathematics and science-related fields. Grade 11 Essential Math 30S emphasizes consumer applications, problem solving, decision making, and spatial sense. Grade 11 Essential Math 30S builds on the knowledge and skills of Grade 10 Essential Math 20S and provides a foundation for the topics studied in Grade 12 Essential Math 40S. Students are expected to work both individually and in small groups on mathematical concepts and skills encountered in everyday life in a technological society. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study: 

  • Slope and Rate of Change 
  • Graphical Representations 
  • Surface Area, Volume, and Capacity 
  • Trigonometry of Right Triangles 
  • Scale Representations 
  • Financial Services 
  • Personal Budgets 

 Applied Math 30S (MA30S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S (recommend 65% or higher) 

Grade 11 Applied Math 30S is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that do not require a study of theoretical calculus. It is context driven and promotes the learning of numerical and geometrical problem-solving techniques as they relate to the world around us. It builds upon the foundation knowledge and skills from Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S and builds a foundation for Grade 12 Applied Math 40S. Primary goals of Applied Math 30S are to have students develop critical-thinking skills through problem solving and model real-world situations mathematically to make predictions. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study:

  • Inductive and Deductive Reasoning 
  • Properties of Angles and Triangles 
  • Acute Triangle Trigonometry 
  • Obtuse Triangle Trigonometry 
  • Statistical Reasoning 
  • Systems of Linear Inequalities 
  • Quadratic Functions and Equations 
  • Proportional Reasoning 

Pre-Calculus Math 30S (MPC30S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S (recommend 75% or higher) 

Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Math 30S is designed for students who intend to study calculus and related mathematics as part of post-secondary education. It builds on the topics studied in Grade 10 Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math 20S and provides background knowledge and skills for Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Math 40S. The course comprises a high-level study of theoretical math with an emphasis on problem solving and mental mathematics. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study:

  • Sequences and Series 
  • Absolute Value and Radicals 
  • Solving Quadratic Equations 
  • Analyzing Quadratic Functions 
  • Graphing Inequalities and Systems of Equations 
  • Trigonometry 
  • Rational Expressions and Equations 
  • Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions

Grade 12

Essential Math 40S (ME40S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Applied Math 30S or Essential Math 30S or Pre-Calculus Math 30S 

Grade 12 Essential Math 40S is intended for students whose post-secondary planning does not include a focus on mathematics and science-related fields. Grade 12 Essential Math 40S emphasizes consumer applications, problem solving, decision making, and spatial sense. Students are expected to work both individually and in small groups on mathematical concepts and skills encountered in everyday life in a technological society. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study: 

  • Home Finance
  • Geometry and Trigonometry (Polygons)
  • Precision Measurement
  • Probability
  • Statistics
  • Vehicle Finance
  • Career Life

Applied Math 40S (MA40S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Applied Math 30S (recommend 65% or higher) or Pre-Calculus Math 30S 

Grade 12 Applied Math 40S is intended for students considering post-secondary studies that do not require a study of theoretical calculus. It is context driven and promotes the learning of numerical and geometrical problem solving techniques as they relate to the world around us. Primary goals of Applied Math 30S are to have students develop critical-thinking skills through problem solving and model real-world situations mathematically to make predictions. 

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study: 

  • Financial Mathematics: Investing Money 
  • Financial Mathematics: Borrowing Money 
  • Set Theory and Logic 
  • Counting Methods 
  • Probability 
  • Polynomial Functions 
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 
  • Sinusoidal Functions 

Pre-Calculus Math 40S (MPC40S - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Pre-Calculus Math 30S (recommend 65% or higher)

Grade 12 Pre-Calculus Math 40S is designed for students who intend to study calculus and related mathematics as part of post-secondary education. It builds on the topics studied in Grade 11 Pre-Calculus Math 30S and provides background knowledge and skills for the study of calculus in post-secondary institutions. The course comprises a high-level study of theoretical mathematics with an emphasis on problem solving and mental mathematics.

The main goals of mathematics education are to prepare the student to: 

  • communicate and reason mathematically
  • use mathematics confidently, accurately, and efficiently to solve problems
  • appreciate and value mathematics
  • make connections between mathematical knowledge and skills and their applications
  • commit themselves to lifelong learning
  • become mathematically literate citizens, using mathematics to contribute to society and to think critically about the world

Topics of Study: 

  • Polynomial Expressions and Functions 
  • Radical and Rational Functions 
  • Transforming Graphs of Functions 
  • Combining Functions 
  • Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 
  • Trigonometry 
  • Trigonometric Equations and Identities 
  • Permutations and Combinations