

Grade 9

Science 10F (SC10F - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Grade 8 Science 

Science 10F is a required course for all students graduating in Manitoba. The course helps students develop a better understanding of basic scientific principles, processes and concepts. Science 10F is an introduction to the major divisions of science with units in biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. In Science 10F students will begin the development of their lab skills, and increase their understanding of the role of science in daily life. 


  • Reproduction: Examining the processes of reproduction for individual cells and a variety of organisms that include plants, animals and humans
  • Atoms and Elements: Becoming familiar with the basic particles of matter, the atomic model and the periodic table 
  • Nature of Electricity: Developing an understanding of electrostatics and current electricity 
  • Exploration of the Universe: Exploring the origin and basic components of the universe 

Grade 10

Science 20F (SC20F - 1 credit)

Prerequisite: Science 10F 

Science 20F is a required course for all students graduating in Manitoba. The course helps students develop a better understanding of basic scientific principles, processes and concepts. Science 20F is an introduction to the major divisions of science with units in biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. 


  • Dynamics of Ecosystems: Examining the complex relationships in ecosystems 
  • Chemistry in Action: Investigating that interactions of elements 
  • In Motion: Using the motion of cars to develop the understanding of the laws of physics 
  • Weather Dynamics: Exploring the relationships between weather and climate

Students enrolling in Science 20F should have successfully completed Science 10F. In Science 20F students will further develop their lab skills and develop a more in-depth understanding of the role of science in daily life. 

Students who will be successful in Science 20F will need to have developed good study skills, critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities. Students will be expected to complete homework and/or be studying classroom materials daily.

Students in Science 20F will be assessed through the following methods; labs, daily assignments, quizzes, tests and a final exam. Students may also be assessed through the use of projects, debates, online assignments, presentations, graphs and diagrams.

Upon the successful completion of Science 20F, students will be better prepared to make informed science course selections at the grade 11 and 12 levels.